we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Big Fat Meanie

So yesterday I was in my language arts class and we had to get into these writing groups. Naturally I got into a group that  I would have preferred not to be in. While our Amazing teacher was explaining what we were to do, this very immature BOY kept making fun of my teacher. I just glared at  him, because I didn't want to talk and get in trouble. He just kept getting meaner and meaner. We started and my group wasn't doing anything so I started to do it by myself. The meanie guy was like, "what'd you write? huh huh?" I told him that I would tell him after I got my thought down and he was like, "wow, you are such a stupid butt head." you could tell he would of been to scared to call me something worse. I just glared at him from under my lashes. He fidgeted a little and didn't look at me but was trying to stay cool. Him calling me a name was not what bothered me, it was him continuing to make fun of my teacher that really made me mad. Later he said to me, "you don't smile or laugh a lot, do you?" How could I smile when there is such an icky aura in the air? How could I laugh when all a hear is stupid mean jokes? So someday I hope he comes across this blog post and it haunts him until he cries repentance then all  is well. :) Don't be mean!

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