we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Friend Lauren

So I have a dear friend. her name is Lauren. She is the friend you always wanted and needed but didn't know it. You should be jealous of me because I have her. She is the sweetest girl you would ever meet (as some of you may know.)  She always has something silly and so cute to say, what she says makes you want to say, "You are just the cutest thing ever!" The has the best input on anything and she puts up with complaining. She loves you for who you are and encourages you to be your best self. (sounding like the perfect friend, I know.) I am so blessed to have a friend like her. The best part is, even if she wanted to, I don't know, get away from me, she couldn't because we are distantly related so she is kind of forced to be my pal ;)
Examples of how she is such a great person:

1. So once upon a time I was complaining to her about how I was scared about the fact that I don't really know how to be around and deal kids/children because I didn't grow up with them around me. I mean, I love kids and all, its just...It's like I loved painting but I don't know how to do it very well. Get it? Sorry if you don't, I am in a confused mood right now :) Ever since I told her that, she has invited me to tag along with her on babysitting retreats and I am ever so grateful for that learning experience. The thing is, most people would forget that you told them about their small struggle and say, "oh, that's too bad" then move on but no, Lauren remembered and that is the mark of a true fried.

2. It was my 14th birthday and Lauren gave me this card with warm fuzzies (refer too http://lds.org/friend/2011/08/a-birthday-wish-fulfilled?lang=eng&query=warm+fuzzies then you will understand) on it to represent how much happiness I bring her and it the letter made me cry because it was so cute and touching. I loved it. I thought this was just a great birthday gift. No, it gets better. I went home all fluttery with happiness and I go into my room, on my bed is a plate of cookies and a painting. My first  thought was,"wow, mom actually bought me a professional painting." Then I get closer and  see it is personalized tome...from Lauren. Guys, she is amazing. She can cook and paint!!
This is the painting leaning against my wall in my room

People, my initial is on the boat!! 

This is me and Lauren, flying through this life.

Lauren and I go way back, we have been buds since the beginning of my time and most likely will be until the end of this time :) We went from dressing up as prom queen and a princess to playing with barbies for hours, exploring the attic, not showering for a week together at girls camp to baking cookies and decorating them and awkwardly giving them to people. What a journey we have been. I love Lauren and I will continue to do so. Sometimes I ask myself, "how was I so lucky to be friends with a friend like Lauren?' Really, I have no idea how, all I know is that she is great and if you dont' have friend like Lauren,  to bad for you! I have Lauren and you should be jealous ;)    (actually I surprised that she puts up with me at all)

This was us two years ago, no showers for a week. Yep we are beautiful

Lauren (left) me (right) are on a boat when I am like 5 or something. So fun!

Me (left)  and Lauren (right)  chilling by a swirly when we are like babies, wow, we were small.

Lauren is my beloved friend. I am a rich women; richly blessed with a friend like her. :)
I love my Lauren, she has such a future ahead of her, I am so proud to call her my friend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud to call her my sister!!! Mesa, you rock my socks for writing this blog!!!
