we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Brother is Hercules

Hercules is my brother.
I have an amazing bother. People at school always complain about having this older brother who is mean to them or is annoying or whatever.  You know in the old pioneer movies where they have the oldest brother who helps the dad out, he is really respectful to his younger siblings, buff, and responsible and the dad would die and the oldest brother would take that position and such? I remember when I was younger wanting a brother like that, and now I realize that I do. It is just a little different but it still is as good.

i do have a pioneer brother!

 It is easier to explain with examples so that's what I will do:
Last week my cat climbed up a tree 40 feet up and she was there for 4 days.  My brother never really liked this cat, and I think he still does. This cat was unreachable, in the woods, no branches able to support anything, and stuck. Every day after school I would walk from the bus stop to the cat and he would be out there sweating and working hard, not giving up. He had so many ideas and tried them all. He had this determined mind set the whole the four days that I couldn’t have ever possessed.  He built this 40 foot long pole thing and put the cat’s cage up there so that maybe she would go in; he was holding this up while he was on the ladder for long periods of time hoping the cat would get out of shock and crawl in he even put up with the  cat peeing on him! The whole time I kind of felt bad because I couldn’t really do anything, or so I thought. His mind set was different, he believed he could just try, and see what happens from there.  The forty foot contraption fell and I was trying to lift it up again for him while he was climbing down the ladder. I could barely lift the thing. As I remembered that Easton (my brother) was holding this up for a long time on a ladder made me think of the quote form the movie Hercules, “Jeepers, Mr. You’re really strong!” (Refer to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kAFVJYtNqA  time: 1:00-1:45) Also, you know the movie Incredibles? Well the part of the movie when he is trying to shake the cat out of teh tree for the grandma came to mind as I watched Easton tirelessly work on the pussy dealio. He helped me lift it and eventually he helped the cat out of the tree. My brother is amazing.

This is my brother
Do you see those muscles!?!

You can't even see my cat!

So many failed ideas, so many hours of trying

The 40ft contraption that worked in the end.

Another example is he takes me everywhere and doesn't complain about it. Now that is amazing for a teenage boy. He told me before seminary started that if I am not awake he is leaving without me, this morning he knocked on my door and told me to get up.My alarm did not go off that day and I very grateful that he did not leave me. It's not like he will push into a conversation to squeeze information out of me (like I feel some people do), it's just simple nice talk. Like: Him: "How is your blog going?" Me: "Good." Sometimes that's all you need to know that they didn't completely forget about you,a  simple meaningful question or acknowledgement. It makes me feel teh best when he laughs at what I say or agree's with me. Because he is so cool and him agreeing with me is putting me to his level. I have a great Hercules, Pioneer brother, he is a an example to me and I am so thankful for him. how was I so lucky to get a pioneer brotehr in the 21st century?

Compare this with the picture below!
Yep, he's Hercules 

It's true

So I am happy, Easton is happy ( It think he is) and Pace (my puss) is back to normal. :) How was I so lucky? I do not  know. 
My cat may be thinking...


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