we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Monday, December 26, 2011


There once was a nerdy girl named never mind (you don't need to know.) To prove she was nerdy I will tell you one thing: she organized all of her 270 some books in alphabetic order from authors last name. She prized her collection of books and could run her hand across the spines of different shapes and sizes for hours.

Enough of that

For Christmas she got a book. No, not the usual "New York best sellers" but one that had no other copies (most likely.) This book was handwritten with pictures glued in. It wasn't a tale of adventure or a story of romance it was a declaration of love from a  friend, a lifter upper when feeling downer, a smile when all you see is frowns. The book i speak of is called Only Human.  Written by Hannah Nelson. Heard of her? She is my bestie. She wrote me this manuscript of happiness. This book had tons of effort put into it and I especially love the nose part (Hannah, most likely only you know what Ia m talking about.)Hannah, you made my life, you made me smile and you reminded me why I actually make an effort in life.

Back to Nerdy girl:
Nerdy girl got this book and read it 3 times, once with her sister. She Put it between her Fable Haven books and The Silver Crown books on her shelf of books, organized by authors last name. So what is so significant? Welp my friends let me tell ya, this book was never published and what not. It's not sold in stores or online (Maybe Hannah can set that up for you ;) So you think that it shouldn't be sitting among the books that people pay so much money for and authors work so hard on. This book was among them because it touched me so emotionally you would of thought it was written by a pro. It inspired me to strive to be  better person and I was reminded why God sends us friends and why people should all be different. Because Me, I would of never thought of something like that! Thats crazy! I have never been that thoughtful or creative, I strive to be but in my own way.

Thank you Hannah,

I appreciate that we are all only human. But this gift made me realize that some humans (you) act more Christlike than others. Thanks for being Christlike, it is the best quality you can have!
I appreciate having you around, and I hope you will stick around. To return your favor.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
...........................Have have no idea if that is possible so I will have to think about that one ;)

I just less than three ya Hanners

From a mortal,

PS People, that nerdy girl was me

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