we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

easily forgotten..... necessary to be remembered

i like little things. the way joy scrunches up her nose when she's trying to figure out something that is difficult. the aroma of warm vanilla and bitter sweetness after the candle has been blown out.

Old journal entries from age 6 and up that bring back memories from the past century. yearbooks. old time hairdos and styles. goodness gracious.

i think that life today is too staged. precious moments are brushed away because they are too simple and too common. thrown away. easily forgotten. playing your piano piece for the umpteenth time and getting it right without any mistakes. walking outside to chirping birds and a cool gust of wind that makes your teeth chatter. sitting on the porch drinking hot chocolate just to get away from the house. discovering you're quite good at crayon drawings.

the moments that make life worth living. but are deleted because the makeup wasn't correct or the lighting malfunctioned.

when you get a  brand new journal and pretty soon it is destroyed from your late night handwriting. choosing which sticker you want this week in class. deciding which stuffed animal to sleep with tonight. finishing a  picture that you drew of your family and tacking it on the cork board. dancing around the only flat part of your yard for hours on end. writing stories that you think will be published someday. learning to run by having  a dog chase you. going for a walk. holding daddy's hand. tying one shoe mom's way and the other dad's way to make it fair. finishing a long book. running into the house rosy cheeked because you ran the whole way home from the bus stop. having mom put a band-aid on my finger. being scared of the dark. calling out for mom because you are scared in the night.

these are moments that are easily forgotten. we experience them and then go on about our lives, hoping for something phenomenal and unheard of. and yet it was right before us. it just happened prior to now.

easily forgotten..... necessary to be remembered

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