we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Just Decided

so I just Decided something:

You know those girls who wake up 2 hours before they need to to get ready for school and they come to school looking their best? I wonder what will happen when they are going to get married or go to prom or something where you have to look your princess self the most because if you already do that everyday before school then that just became your school look. How Lame. You will look like you are going to school on your wedding day. So now this is what I decided: I will not take that extra time to get ready in the morning for school. (So on my wedding day I will knock people to their knees with my attractiveness) What a plan, I am so smart :)



Speaking of looking your best on your "big day" look at these pretty pictures!


  1. i couldn't agree with this post more.

    that's why i never get ready ;)

    perfect excuse.
