we all have a story to tell.... my journey to creating/finding/ expressing me (or just figuring out the plot to my story)

do i end up happy? lets find out :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

it begins with a messenger bag...

My journey to become and find and create my personality: Of course I have a personality, but I don’t really know what it is, how to describe it or how to express it. My first mission was to find something I love that not everyone else would love as much as I would. So there I am one day…at Target (I know, amazing right?) following my mother around like the coal car follows the engine on a train, when I saw it. Mine. My. Me. It is warn and square in shape with the perfect glow of ‘yea, I’m chill.’ The coal car of this train in Target breaks off and rolls away conveniently to…Me, my other appendage that I never knew I had but always needed. The engine of our train slows down as her energy source is running away. I place my hands on this bag, (yes it is a bag if you were wondering what it was) and I hear it rub; fake leather on fake leather, giving a slight crisp squeak. What a beautiful sound. I twist the vintage metal doo-dad clasp thing with a soft click and lift the flap open like I am a little girl lifting the lid to a chest filled with treasure.  The perfect space, perfect for my books and scriptures, perfect for holding a letter to be sent, perfect for carrying my drawing pencils and a small sketch pad; perfect for me.
So this is where is began. This was the first step across the starting line that I took in this race to finding me. So…did I buy this bag for $34.00? No. When it went on sale for $27.99, did I buy it then? Nope. When one day I was buying my brother’s birthday gift and it was on sale for $17.49, did I buy it then? Duh, Even though I only had a single nickel left in my sweaty palms. So if this was the bag for me why did I wait? Well, because I know one thing about myself and that is a I am cheapo. I mean come on, it’s in my blood. So now you know the ‘once upon a time’ in my life, but remember it’s just the beginning of my journey.
My sister s blog title is “Puzzle-in-progress,” she says it like she is a puzzle in progress, but me? I would consider myself more of an unopened puzzle. One with the plastic still wrapped around it, it’s just waiting to be released to its best form and my messenger bag put a hole in the plastic so it is peeling back, waiting to reveal the mysterious contents.

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